Wednesday, 7 January 2015

What Reason Could Be For The Credit Card Declined?

The usage of a credit card has become a common issue in the present world economic scenario and it makes life easy and carefree.

It becomes handy when you are unprepared and to pay a bill with hot cash and when you do not have enough cash to clear the bill. At times, it can be a nuisance, especially when you try to make a payment in front of many people and the credit card swipe gets declined.
It can be an unpleasant situation and you feel so embarrassed to manage this kind of circumstances. To avoid such embarrassments you should know what could be the reason for the declination of the credit card.

Limit of usage:

This can be the most widespread reason for the credit card getting declined and people suffer very often due to such declination. Most of the card holders know this fact and they avoid using the credit card at such a situation, it they know the limits.

Each card holder has a fixed usage credit card limit. To avoid this sort of unpleasantness, you should keep a track on your usage and make sure you don’t use the card crossing the limit.

Validity of the card:

When you make use of an additional card there may be a possibility for the card getting declined.

The primary card holder must have reached the maximum withdrawal of cash using the card. There can be another genuine reason. The primary account holder must have closed the credit card account without your knowledge.

Unfamiliar place:

If you travel to many places and you use your credit card from any other country other than where you actually belong to, then your credit card may get declined. This is due to the fact that all other swipes using your credit card would be in your country.

So there are possibilities for the credit card authorities may suspect your card transaction to be a fraudulent one. Therefore whenever you travel out of your country, it is best to inform the matter to the credit card company.

Unusual payments:

In case you have been using your credit card for only to pay your bills online and all of a sudden you swipe the card for the purchase of something very costly, you can expect a declination of the credit card transaction.

Though you have not crossed your credit card limit and yet the credit card company declines the transaction to avoid any fraudulent transaction.

PIN number:

Most of the new credit card companies have started issuing cards with inbuilt chip. To have trouble-free transaction you are supposed to use a PIN number.

The transaction can be successfully made possible only by keying in the PIN number. If you forget your PIN number or enter a wrong number your card transaction is sure to get denied.